Glamping With Kids- 5 Hacks To Make Your Tent Camping Experience More Comfortable And Luxurious

You've probably seen the term "glamping" bouncing around social media in recent years. If you consider yourself a hard core, deep in the woods, make your own shelter kind of camper, the glamping trend most likely has you rolling your eyes into outer space, because that's not real camping, right?

I think any seasoned glamper would agree that glamping is in a league of it's own. I've blogged many times about my lifetime of camping experience, but what I've failed to admit to you is that it hasn't been what most would consider real camping. That's right guys, I'm a fake. I started out my childhood camping in tents at provincial campgrounds, but as I got older it switched to air-conditioned campers with cable TV in provincial campgrounds, and I loved every second of it. I love sitting around a cracking campfire and being in the great outdoors, but I'd be lying if I said I was a "live off the land" kind of gal. Now that I have my own family, we are back to the tent camping life, however I'm dreaming of the days when we can invest in our own camper.

If there was a happy medium between camping and glamping, that's where I would fall. I believe that camping can be comfortable, affordable & fun! We don't have to sacrifice creature comforts to partake in sleeping under the stars.

Here are 5 little hacks that will make your camping trip with the kids a little more comfortable:

1- Bring An Extension Cord

I know, I know, you're probably thinking "well I do that anyway", but having electricity close by to charge my phone at any given time is the easiest way to make me happy while camping- just make sure you book a full service site. When my husband and I first started dating, I went on a camping trip with friends and did not bring an extension cord. I spend the majority of my evening sitting on the ground beneath the electric post with my phone plugged in so I could text him, and it was that moment that I decided that I could never camp without an extension cord again. Extension cords are super handy if your child's iPad happens to be low battery and you just need a few minutes to set up camp. We also can't sleep without a fan on, so being able to run an extension cord to plug one in allows us to sleep soundly and comfortably.

2- Instant Everything

Last year was our first year camping with an instant tent, and we're never going back. We had our tent set up within 5 minutes, which is amazingly handy when your kids are running around the camp site waiting for you to finish. Don't stop at the tent through- they also make air mattresses with built in pumps, which is a huge time saver and won't make your ears pop.

3- Go Big Or Go Home
The quickest way to feel more comfortable while tent camping is to get a bigger tent, and a bigger air mattress. Being able to fully stand up in your tent will make a huge difference when it comes to comfort level. A bigger tent will also allow you to set up more "creature comfort" items, like a fan, a door mat/shoe basket, a small foldable night stand, etc. If you have a baby, you're also going to need room to set up a pack-n-play to allow for safe sleeping, so a big tent is necessary when camping with littles.

For the air mattress, being as far away from the ground as you can will be much more comfortable than sleeping on the ground. If you're like us, chances are you've woken up on a deflated air mattress, with rocks or roots in your back and in pain. Trust me on this one- invest in a large elevated and more luxurious air mattress, because you're going to need a good nights sleep to keep up with the kids in the morning.

4- "Decorate" Your Tent & Camp Site

I'm not talking about doing a full tent renovation or anything, but if you're going to be camping for longer than a few days, there are a few simple things that can make life a little bit better for you. Most of us just grab a few blankets and pillows and throw them in the car, but try to be more intentional about your sleeping situation.

  •  Ditch the sleeping bags and pack a nice pair of sheets, some plush pillows, & a throw pillow or two to make things more cozy. 

  • String up some fun lights to help make your campsite easier to find in the dark (no more tripping over tree roots on your way to the washroom). 

  • Bring a nice basket to sit by the door for everyone's shoes, because you know how annoying it is to round up your kid's flip flops when you need to go somewhere. 

  • Bringing a plastic tablecloth for the picnic table is also necessary, not just for looks but to keep the kids from getting splinters.

5- Don't Sacrifice Good Food

Camping doesn't have to be only hotdogs over the campfire. When we camp, we bring a small gas stove, utensils, and a set of camping dishes to make full meals. There are a ton of delicious camping meal ideas on Pinterest that you can prepare before you leave your house, and many you can cook over a fire. 

Comment below and tell us your best camping/glamping hacks!