5 Things To Do Before Traveling During The Pandemic
Photo By Ashley Marie Creative Studios
The travel bug has hit me hard recently, and while I don’t have any immediate plans to go anywhere, I HAD to write a blog post about it. I miss the sun, and the beach, and not being at work- but the pandemic has put a stop to a lot of possible travel plans for most people.
IF you are planning on traveling this Winter, here are 5 things you should do before leaving:
Get Vaccinated
This is a no-brainer and I’m sure most of you already are, but if you aren’t vaccinated, you won’t be getting very far on your trip.
Make physical and digital copies of your vaccine records & ID
I have my proof of vaccination saved as the lock screen on my phone currently. It saves me from having to dig for it when I want to dine in at a restaurant- BUT if you’re traveling, you’re going to want to have both digital and physical copies made- for both your vaccine records and ID. Keep copies in your wallet, your carry on, the pockets of any purse you may use, etc. This will ensure you always have one when you need it and won’t need to dig for it.
Research covid rules for the location you’re going and home
I’ve seen so many posts over the last few weeks from Canadians who are essentially trapped in the US because they couldn’t find access to rapid tests. Before leaving Canada (or your home country), research EVERY Covid rule in regards to isolation, rapid testing, etc so there are no surprises upon your return.
Stock up on masks
I’m sure you have a plethora by now, but make sure to buy 1 new pack of masks for every person on your trip, then spread them out like your vaccine records. There is nothing worse than being about to enter a building and realizing you don’t have a mask on you. If you’re on vacation, you may not know where to buy them if needed, so having a mask tucked into every bag you plan on carrying will ensure you’re prepared.
make alternate arrangements
If we know anything about the pandemic, we know it’s unpredictable, and things can change at any moment. If you’re traveling without your kids or pets for example, make sure to have plans in place with family in case you get delayed or stuck somewhere, and can’t get back to them when planned.
Are you planning on traveling this Winter? Comment below and tell me where you’re going so I can live vicariously through you!