Manifestation Monday | The Power Of Acting “As If”

Welcome back to Manifestation Monday! Today I wanted to talk about the power of acting “as if”. If you follow the law of attraction, you know how important it is to act as if you already have what you desire.

Note- If you don’t believe in the law of attraction, or don’t know what it is, some of this may not make sense, or may seem like a bunch of woo-woo lol. I promise, I have seen this work in my own life, and in the lives of others. Please read my other Manifestation Monday posts to get caught up! :)

The vibrations you put out into the universe are what will be returned to you- so stepping into the version of yourself you see having what you desire will let the universe know you’re ready to receive it.

For example: If you’re trying to manifest a new house, take some time to journal about what you envision. What clothes are you wearing when you step into your new house? What does your new house smell like? What sounds do you hear? What food is in your fridge? What are you feeling? Take those visions and apply them to your current life.

If you’re trying to manifest money, think of the reasons you want to manifest it. Is it because you want the freedom to spend more time with family? Because you want to travel? Write about these emotions and try to step into them in your every day life.

Something else I like to do is write down a list of everything I want in life (or create a vision board) and then write out exactly how I would feel when I have each thing, and what it will take me to get to where I want. The acting “as if” part of journaling is all in how you write about it. Instead of saying “I want a new house”, you need to write it as “I’m moving into my new house, and I feel…” or “I have a new house, and it looks like…”. I believe in being specific when journaling, so I write everything in detail exactly as I envision it.

Another part of acting “as if” is respecting your current situation and showing gratitude for what you have now. I struggle sometimes with this one, which is one reason I hired a bi-weekly housekeeper to help keep up with the cleaning. I work a lot, and it feels like I don’t always properly take care of my home, vehicle, and even myself- but I realize how important it is and I work on it a little bit every day. If I can’t take care of what I have now, why would the universe give me anything better?

Everything is about energy- the energy you put out is the energy you’ll get back. There is more than enough abundance in the world for all of us, but we need to be open to it and believe that we deserve it.

This week I manifested a…..printer! It’s so random, I know, but the way it happened makes me believe it wasn’t a coincidence. I won a Best Buy gift card at work a few weeks ago (on the same day I listened to a podcast on manifesting money on the way to work). I was planning on using the gift card to buy a printer, because I really need one for work, and for some projects I have on the go. Then, we got a new puppy, and I had to get a portable radio instead, so there would be background noise on for the puppy when we aren’t there. I used the gift card on the radio, with plans to still buy a printer in the near future.

A few days ago I was at work and wanting to print something, but the printer wasn’t connecting to my computer. I started researching printers and planning out which one I was going to buy. I didn’t tell anyone about my plan to buy one, but I was focusing a lot of attention on it. In the middle of me planning out which one I was going to buy, my mom texted me this:


She happened to come across a printer that was on sale (she never passes up a good sale) and asked if I wanted one. The model she found was on my short list of models I was looking at.

Call it a coincidence, but these things happen to me often, and usually when I’m actively trying to manifest something.

Comment below and tell me something you’ve manifested recently!