A Lifetime Of Magic | My Spiritual Journey

I wasn’t sure what to title this post, as it’s not one I planned on making, but I feel compelled to make it. I’m throwing this post together really quickly, so I’m not going to be able to cover everything I want, and I might ramble a bit (sorry!)

This is a VERY personal topic to me, but if you saw my Instastories recently you know that I want to start making one post every month or so with fun and uplifting spiritual topics such as:

  • Manifestation

  • Spiritual book reviews

  • Astrology

  • Tarot

  • Crystals

  • My past life regression (that I’m doing next week!)

  • Personal experiences

  • etc

In order to help it mesh in with my existing content, these posts will be light and airy- nothing too weird, I promise! In no way do I want this to take over my blog, but its a big part of my life that I would love to share with you guys occasionally! As a lifestyle blogger, its hard to know how much of your life to post sometimes. It feels like my interests need to fit into a tiny box, but that’s not real. In reality, I’m interested in A LOT of different things. I love everything you guys see me post about, but there is a little bit more that I’d like to share.

My regular content will not be changing at all, this will just be a fun little sprinkling added in once a month or so. If you guys really hate it, I may just do a separate Instagram to post this stuff- please let me know what you think!

You Believe In Magic, You Maybe Just Don’t Realize It Yet

A lot of what I’m talking about in this post will seem a bit “out there”, but chances are, you ALL have taken part in these practices without even realizing it.

  • When you wish on the first star you see at night, when you pull a wishbone at Thanksgiving, when you wish on 11:11, when you create a vision board- you’re manifesting.

  • When you say “everything happens for a reason”, you’re believing the universe has bigger plans for you than you realize.

  • When you plug in your salt rock lamp or use your essential oils, you’re believing in the power of crystals and nature.

  • When you get deja vu that stops you in your tracks and you think to yourself “what DOES this mean?”, you’re opening yourself to possibilities beyond “normal”.

  • When you experience something spooky that you can’t explain with logic, you’re believing in the possibility of ghosts or the supernatural.

We all go through these experiences throughout our lives, but we don’t often talk about or expand on them.

My Background with Christianity

I grew up with a mixed bag of beliefs. I was baptized as a Catholic when I was a baby, but never actually went to a Catholic Church. My dad went to a Pentecostal church because he had friends that went there, but aside from going with him when I visited on weekends, we never spoke about religious things at home. For me, going to church always seemed like more of a social opportunity than a religious practice.

My parents are divorced, and my mom worked on Sundays, so we didn’t go to church at my mom’s house, but we did believe in God (and I still do!). We always made sure to say our prayers, and pray when we needed to. I attended a religious Summer camp a couple of Summers, and went to youth group with my friends as teenagers.

I do believe in God, but going to church always felt more like watching a production to me. When I went to camp around age 10, I remember feeling extremely uncomfortable when the camp leaders pulled us into a room individually and asked us to promise our hearts to God. Looking back, that seems like such a HUGE thing to expect a 10 year old to understand.

Throughout my childhood, we acknowledged God, took part in Christian holidays (Christmas, etc), and still do, but christianity has never been the guiding force in my life. I’ve always believed that you can believe in God without actually attending church, and that’s how I parent as well. My son has a children’s bible, and we say our prayers every night before bed, but I’m leaving him the wiggle room to choose his own path when he’s old enough.

My grandparents on my mom’s side provided a similar experience as my mom did, growing up. They believe in God, but I don’t ever remember them actively going to church. My grandmother does go to church now and loves the community she has there, and I love that for her!

My First Experience With Spirituality

Growing up, I was always interested in alternative beliefs about “the other side”. The thought that we just die and go live amongst golden streets in Heaven never seemed to make sense to me.

I remember once when I was around 13-14 years old, my grandfather gave me a book about a woman’s near death experience. For as long as I can remember, he’s always been searching for the meaning of life, questioning why we’re here and looking for answers. I can’t remember the name of the book now, but it was about a woman who died, was saved, and recalled her experience. If you google it, there are hundreds of near death experience stories online, and many of them have similar experiences to each other. I remember feeling comforted by the story, and something just clicked with me that felt right.

I have another close family member (I won’t name them to protect their privacy) who has been through a couple of tragic losses in their life. Since then, they became very interested in the other side- visiting mediums, looking for orbs in photos, etc. Upon hearing stories of these psychic mediums knowing things they couldn’t possibly know, again I felt something click that just made sense.

As I became a teenager and adult, I continued to expand my interest in these topics. When I was in grades 10-12 I became interested in palmistry and tarot. My mom even hired a tarot card reader to do readings for my friends and I at my 16th birthday. I became obsessed with astrology. I’ve always had my eyes towards the stars and have always been fascinated by the moon, so it made sense to continue learning as much as I could.

Going into adulthood, I became interested in manifestation and positive thinking. I started analyzing my dreams, and looking for signs in every day life. I believe the universe lets us know when we are heading in the right direction.

You can read some of my other manifestation posts HERE.

This past December I had a very detailed tarot card reading done by a co-worker, and over the next few months I watched everything she said in the reading come true. She predicted my separation, a situation with our vehicles, and pages more.

It inspired me to get my own tarot cards and start practicing again, just for myself.

My Beliefs Evolving

This past 2-3 years, I’ve really been focusing inward and expanding on my already existing belief system. I believe 100% in manifestation and that we have the power to manifest our dreams.

I believe that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. I have always believed in reincarnation, but have been expanding on those beliefs to understand what that really means. There is SO much information on this out there, so If you’re interested I invite you to research it more, because it’s so interesting and enlightening! I believe that we are on earth to learn lessons that will help our spirit grow (or level up so to say). When my grandfather gave me the book about that woman’s near death experience, one thing she mentioned was that she discovered that we are on earth to learn different lessons in each lifetime.

I’m still discovering what my lessons are in this life (as we all are), but I’m so excited for my past life regression next week to hopefully discover some lessons I’ve already gone through.

My Belief In Past Lives

As mentioned above, I’m getting a past life regression done next week, but what does that mean? It’s basically a form of hypnosis to help you discover who you were in a past life. It also allows you to connect to your own spirit to get guidance for this life.

When my son was younger, he used to talk to me about one of his past lives all the time. He would tell me about his “other mom”, and how he missed her. He always said things like “when I turn into a man and die, I’ll turn into a baby again”.

There are tons of stories online of children accounting past lives- remembering specific names and addresses that they could never know in this life. It’s honestly SO interesting, and there are a lot of YouTube videos on it that you can look up for more info.

Other Beliefs

I swear I didn’t mean for this post to be so long! I’ll try to wrap it up and leave the comments open for any additional questions you may have.

Aside from everything mentioned above, I also believe in things like ghosts and hauntings (read a bit about that HERE), spirit guides, signs from the universe, meditation, etc.

I have a few REALLY interesting stories to tell about ghostly experiences with myself and my son, but I’ll share those stories for another time.

With ALL that being said..

I wanted to reiterate that my blog content won’t change! It’s just a piece of my puzzle that I wanted to touch on! My next post about this topic will be all about my past life regression!

You can still expect my regular content on a regular basis.

I would love to hear your thoughts on any of this in the comments below!