My Boudoir Session! | Plus Size Boudoir By Ashley Marie Creative Studios
Ahhh, you guys!
I am SO excited to share my boudoir experience with you! If you’ve read some of my recent posts, you know that I recently had a boudoir photo session with Ashley Marie Creative Studios. Ashley is a close friend of mine, and truly a shining star when it comes to photography (or really anything that she does!)- So I KNEW I was in good hands.
When it comes to boudoir photos, I feel like plus size women are rarely represented or shown, which can make it really intimidating for any plus size woman who wants to do a boudoir session. I’ve always struggled with confidence and body issues, so I was nervous leading up to my session. When I’m nervous, I tend to Google things, and when I searched for plus size boudoir experiences, I didn’t find much.
Boudoir is for ANYONE. You do not have to be a certain size, or wait until you lose weight to do boudoir photos. As Ashley says, “Any body is a boudoir body” and it’s important to let other women know that it’s okay to celebrate your body, just as you are right now. You also don’t NEED a significant other to do boudoir for! Do it for yourself because you deserve it!
If you want to read about how I prepared for my boudoir session, click HERE.
My session took place at the Radisson Hotel here in Fredericton. Having the session at this beautiful hotel added to the experience, and I’m so glad she chose this as the location! When I arrived, I met her in the suite. I brought a tote bag with some extra clothes, makeup, etc.
Even though she’s my friend and I trust her, I was still nervous- which is totally normal. I knew that this is something I’ve always wanted to do, but always had this assumption that I had to lose weight or look a certain way first. Up until this point, I don’t think my friends have ever seen me in just a bra and underwear before- or even a bathing suit without a coverup. I grew up with amazing friends who had no issue changing in front of each other, or wearing swimwear at the beach, but I’ve always been self conscious about my weight and never fully let myself be seen like that. I chose an outfit that is pretty full coverage, but I had to work at letting go of my fear that others would find my body unattractive.
I had ABSOLUTELY nothing to worry about. We sat and chatted for a few minutes about the session, the hotel room, what we were going to order for supper after, etc. When I expressed my fears to her, she made me extremely comfortable. We talked about how everyone has bodies- and how one body doesn’t deserve to be seen any more than another. All bodies are beautiful and deserve to be appreciated. “It’s JUST a body” I kept saying and reminding myself.
The hotel suite was beautiful (and SO spacious!) which created a fun and luxurious atmosphere. I put on a boudoir playlist that I created before the shoot to get myself in a fun and relaxed mood. “Alexa, play Body by Megan Thee Stallion.”
Ashley kept checking in with if I was comfortable, how I was feeling about the session so far, etc which I really appreciated. She also went above and beyond to get the perfect angles- which is SO important! You NEED a photographer who knows what angles will work best. This girl literally almost fell off a stool for me lol- (Thank you for risking your life for the perfect shot Ashley!)
How to pose is also something a lot of people worry about, but she told me exactly what to do, how to position myself, where to put my hands, etc. I literally did nothing except get dressed, show up and follow her direction!
After the session, we ordered pizza and chatted about how much we hope this session inspires other women to get photos done too- regardless of weight.
You can find Ashley here:
Without further adieu, here are some photos from my session! Let me know what you think in the comments!
Just waiting for our pizza to get here- photoshoots are hard work lol
I truly hope this inspires you to step into your power and get your own boudoir photos done (or any photos)- regardless of your size or insecurities. We ALL deserve to feel good about ourselves!