Ozempic Week 1 | My Thoughts & Reasoning

I wasn’t originally going to make a blog post about this, and just keep things on TikTok, BUT I feel like writing always helps me portray my thoughts better.

Just to dive right in, I started Ozempic last week!

I’ve been dealing with pain in my right knee off and on for years. Usually it’s just short flare ups that last a week or two, but in January of this year, I had extreme knee pain that ended up lasting over a month. My knee was buckling and giving out, it was extremely painful to walk, and since I was favoring my left knee, that knee started hurting too.

I made a doctor’s appt, and she booked me in for xrays and bloodwork. The xray results showed tricompartmental osteoarthritis in my right knee. So basically I have arthritis in all 3 compartments of my knee, which is the worst kind to have.

The pain in my knee got better after the weather warmed up, but my doctor says I will need a knee replacement before I’m 65. We want to push that off as long as possible.

Both of my grandmothers have had knee replacements, so I wasn’t surprised that I would need one eventually- I just didn’t think I would be diagnosed at 33 years old.

For the last 8 years, I have lived in a 4 level townhouse- which means I’m walking up and down the stairs multiples times a day, every day. This, combined with being overweight has put additional strain on my knees.

My doctor is amazing, and never brings up my weight, but she did mention the obvious- that losing weight will take some strain off of my knees. She asked me if I’ve considered taking Ozempic. I have seen a ton of videos on TikTok about Ozempic, and have joined some groups for it, so I already had a decent amount of information about how it worked and what the side effects were.

I decided to give it a try. I’ve done SO many diets and plans over the years to try and lose weight- some of them worked and some didn’t. Lately, I’ve been finding it harder than ever to lose weight, so I’m excited to give Ozempic a try.

I’ve been updating my TikTok as I go, so you can follow me there for more info and updates!

TIKTOK: dedreannadionne

Wish me luck! If you’re on Ozempic, I would love to hear how you’re doing! Feel free to message me any time if you want to chat!