Book Haul! | What I Got For Christmas, Book Edition

Books are one of my favourite gifts to give and recieve! Every year, my dad takes my neice and I to Bath and Body Works to pick out some items (he calls it the bubble store). This year, I wasn’t able to join them in person due to work, so he texted me after and told me to go shopping there and he would send me the money.

I searched the website for a bit and couldn’t find anything I really wanted (I had just been there recently and grabbed a few things on my own), so I asked if I could spend the money at Chapters instead.

My nan also sent me some Chapters money for Christmas, and my mom recently gifted me with a Plum Plus membership (which gives 10% off, special discounts, and free shipping on ever order)- SO I hit the website to see what I could find.

Gardening for everyone

I love plants and consider myself to have a really decent green thumb, however I haven’t really branched out (pun intended) beyond houseplants. I really want to start a small vegetable and herb garden this year, and have been doing a ton of research on how to make that happen. Gardening for Everyone by Julia Watkins is a beautiful book with a ton of great info on how to get started. I’m really excited to dig into this one and learn as much as I can about gardening.


Another one by Julia Watkins! If you follow her account on IG, you’ve GOT to get this book! It’s just as beautiful as Gardening for Everyone, and has a lot of information on how to live a more sustainable life. I’ve been craving a simpler, more sustainable life lately, so I can’t wait to read more.

How are you, really?

I’ve been a long time follower of Jenna Kutcher and The Goal Digger Podcast, so of course I had to see what this book is all about. I’ve noticed a change with Jenna’s content lately- she just seems to be living a more authentic version of herself, and I love it. This book immediately drew me in, and I’m going to write a more in depth review soon!

The magnolia cookbook | volume 2

I’m sure you’ve seen the first magnolia cookbook all over Instagram. It’s in almost every “pretty kitchen” photo I come across- but now that I have one, I get it. This is a BEAUTIFUL book. The photos are stunning, it has a ton of awesome information, the recipes are great. I love it. Along with wanting to live a more sustainable life, comes learning some essential life skills, like cooking. Now, Kris and I both can cook and we both have a handful of signature recipes we rotate, but in the interest of learning more, I’ve been wanting to add some beautiful new cookbooks to our kitchen. The magnolia cookbooks are must haves! I don’t actually have the first book yet, but when researching what recipes were in each, this one appealed to me more. I can’t wait to share some recipes with you guys!

the five minute journal

I start a new gratitude journal every year, and this is one I’ve been wanting for a while! I chose the dark green version, and I’m going to make sure this journal makes it into my daily routine in 2023.

Well Journal

I picked up the Well Journal on my birthday shopping trip, so I techncially didn’t get it for Christmas, but my birthday is December 29th, so close enough. I’m making my health a priority this year, so this journal will help me track everything to do with wellness!

I also picked up this gorgeous travel calendar while I was there- the pictures are stunning, and can be framed after you’re done with the calendar- which I will definitely be doing.

What books did you get for Christmas? Let me know in the comments!